Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Location Recce

Nonsuch Park

We chose this location because it was easy to access and had lots of quiet areas where not many members of the public were, which meant it would be easy to film. Although we originally wanted a wheat field, it was difficult to find one near by since most wheat was cut as winter is approaching. There is still some brown grass in areas of  Nonsuch Park as well as trees with yellow leaves, so we are still able to get gold tones in our location. A problem with our location is that the brown grass areas tend to be prickly which could be problematic when filming because we are using balloons for some shots and they could easily pop if they fall onto the prickly grass. Another issue with this location is that it is open to the elements, so if we choose to film on a particular day, we must ensure to check the weather forecast so we know we will have sunlight and no rain. There is also no access to any electricity in this location, so we must make sure our camera and any other important electronic devices are charged before we film.

Drama Studio

We have chosen to use the school's drama studio for one of our location because we need a space to put simple black or white background and black or white floor. This was an ideal location because we are able to have black floor and we could put down a white sheet if we wanted the floor to appear white. As well as this there is lighting which is already built into the studio so it is easy to use and we know we will have the lighting we want for our scenes. A problem with this location is that there is limited time to use it, to ensure we have enough time, we have scheduled with the drama teacher when the longest available times are and on what days. The shots we are taking in the studio are ones involving our props. This means we will be throwing glitter, popping balloons with glitter inside and throwing paint, these are all actions which could be messy and difficult to clean up. The drama studio is property of  the school and we need to be responsible with the condition we leave it in, so we have bought plain black and white waterproof sheets which we can use to protect the floor and background.

Jess' Bedroom

We decided on Jessica's bed for this scene because we wanted a large bed with plain white sheets. It was easy to access and we had control over this location so we could change things if we needed to. There are power points incase we need access to electricity and there was also lots of natural day light in her bedroom which is what we need. There are not any particularly problematic restrictions with this location.

Written by Devyani

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